Golden Gift Consulting Provides Support for Government Contracting

Our highly qualified team offers consulting to help small businesses grow and expand, into securing and successfully managing government contracts, including Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE). We have 25+ years of experience in building capacity, helping businesses and secure and manage government contracts.


Preparation for Government Contracting

  • Certification: discover and complete applications for the small business certifications you are eligible for.
  • Business Plan: Develop or revise your business plan, documenting feasibility, profitability, business operations, marketing plan, financials and more.
  • Show Capabilities & Qualifications: Document successful projects and clients, prepare capability statement or SOQ to showcase capabilities and qualifications.

Capacity Building

  • Develop accounting systems & create indirect rate to prepare your financial structure.
  • Develop policies, procedures, and other company documents that are necessary for government and commercial projects.
  • Become familiar contract rules and regulations within your industry.


Develop RFP Program & Business Development

  • Register to receive solicitations, and regularly apply for contracts.
  • Explore partnerships that will help you fill gaps and secure contracts.
  • Engage in business development along with responding to solicitations.

Reach out to us for a free, No-Obligation Consultation.

Contact Us:

To learn more about our government contract consulting, contact us by completing the contact form below, by calling us at (206) 397-7872, or by sending an email to